「いろ甲州」by まるき葡萄酒(山梨県)



A “Koshu” made by Maruki winery in Yamanashi, Japan whose vineyard is a very environmentally friendly as they employ sheep, use a cover cropping technique and so on.

This wine has gorgeous tropical fruit notes that are not often found in this grape, such as mango and papaya, but also has a lightness of body which makes me sip quicker with my meal tonight.

Have you ever had “Okonomiyaki”, a Japanese pizza-like dish made with meat and cabbage?


好きな事、必要な事から英会話を学んで仕事に役立てよう! ワイン&日本酒ソムリエの延3万人以上のアメリカでの接客経験をもとに、シチュエーション別英会話とワイン&日本酒の英語コミュニケーションをお届けします!


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