Practice Qestions! Sake Diploma International



This year's sake diploma international exam is just around the corner!

For those people who's taking it this year, I have made practice questions based on my last year's experience and will start putting out a few questions from now on up to the middle of October.

As you know, the English version is not a choice question. You will have to come up with your own answers. This time, the questions will be simple word answers, but I recommend to read and review the textbook after you try the questions so that you can prepare for the essays!  

I hope this will be of some help to you. 

Now, let's start the Practice Questions from Chapter 1.

Answers will follow after the questions!

1. What is the percentage of alcohol content that sake can’t be exceeded by? 

2. What components do germ and outer layers of rice contain? 

3. What is the name of the rice strain created in Hyogo prefecture in 1941 that has descended from Yamada-nishiki and Omachi as its ancestors? 

4. What is the tasting term in Japanese describing the characteristic of Gohyakumangoku? 

5. Who and when was Omachi created and what was its previous name? 

6. What city and when was the Hyogo Agricultural Experiment Station established? 

7. What is the undesirable mineral in water and why?

8. What substance can be created when iron ion connects with the holes of a doughnut-shaped cyclic peptide? 


1. = 22% (*Check the requirements to be called "Sake".)

2. = Protein, Fats, Minerals, and Vitamins. (*What happens if too much? )

3. = Aiyama (*Check the history of Aiyama)

4. = Tanrei Karakuchi (*Check the parent breed of the variety.)

5. = Jinzo Kishimoto in Okayama prefecture created Omachi in 1866. (*Check the history of Omachi.)

6. = Akashi in 1894. (*Check the history of Mura-mai-seido.)

7.= Iron. (*Iron causes color deterioration becoming reddish brown, and speeds up the aging reaction, ruining its flavor.)

8. = ferrichrysin (*Check the effect of the substance.)

ベーシックな問題ばかりと思われるかもしれませんが、Chapter 1は全体の概要で重要度は高いと思います。しかもこれらは過去に出題されている問題です。それぞれのBackgroundをしっかり抑えておいてくださいね!

Chapter 1 is a general overview of the entire textbook and I think it is highly important, also, these questions have been asked in the past exam. Please make sure you know the background of each one. The questions from Chapter 2 will be uploaded tomorrow, please look forward to it!

明日はChapter 2から質問をアップしていきます ♪


好きな事、必要な事から英会話を学んで仕事に役立てよう! ワイン&日本酒ソムリエの延3万人以上のアメリカでの接客経験をもとに、シチュエーション別英会話とワイン&日本酒の英語コミュニケーションをお届けします!


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